DECEMBER 2023: We will be closed for the holidays December 20th, 2023 thru January 1, 2024. Contact tom@vivariumbooks.com for assistance.
MAY 2020: NEW CATALOG: Medieval England & Learned Societies of Great Britain.
MARCH 2020: MEMBER CATALOGS: Lá Fhéile Pádraig + Lá Fhéile Pádraig (Redux).
DECEMBER 2019: ANNUAL CATALOG V: Rare Theology (members-only).
DECEMBER 2018: ANNUAL CATALOG IV: Medieval Studies I (closed).
OCTOBER 2018: MEMBER CATALOG: Sources Chretienne.
SEPTEMBER 2018: MEMBER CATALOGS: Dominican Liturgy + Corpus Christianorum.
MAY 2018: ICMS KALAMAZOO, MI: A convivencia of scholars from multiple faiths and cultural backgrounds visited Vivarium Books at the 54th International Congress for Medieval Studies.
DECEMBER 2017: ANNUAL CATALOG III + SUPPLEMENT: Medieval Islamic Culture + Sacred Rites: Roman Catholic Liturgical Books (closed).
MAY 2017: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS FOR MEDIEVAL STUDIES, KALAMAZOO, MI: Vivarium Books exhibited at the 53rd ICMS, an annual event attended by thousands of scholars. Check out the video.

JANUARY 2017: HARVEST. Vivarium grew with the purchase of nearly 5,000 scholarly and collectible books in 2017. Rare and antiquarian books have been bought and sold, and a special collection was transported to Italy.
JANUARY 2017: WELCOME TO THE NEW HOME FOR VIVARIUM BOOKS ONLINE. Click "Books" above to begin browsing.
DECEMBER 2016: ANNUAL CATALOG II: Late Medieval & Renaissance Art, a colorful collection of art books bringing into focus the frescoes, manuscript illumination, drawings, textiles, architecture, sculpture and metalwork of the Late Medieval and Renaissance periods (closed).
OCTOBER 2016: GRECO-ROMAN ACQUISITION: Vivarium Books acquired a private scholarly classics library numbering in the thousands.
DECEMBER 2015: ANNUAL CATALOG I: Byzantine Art: Origins to Aftermath. (closed).

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